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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Huns Fit For Radio

As the song says "Have you seen a Handsome Hun?" the answer is almost inevitably "NO". Here i'm taking a look back at some of those who have donned the colours of Rangers and have sparked mass debate as to what species they actually are. Yes the players who thankfully weren't around for the advent of HD Tv, those who wouldn't be out of place in a Nordic wood carving chasing children. For those who remember these oddities I apologise for any relapse this may cause. And to those young enough not to remember, be warned these things are still out there...
Seb Rozenthal : the Chilean goal scoring machine arrived in Jan 1997 amid great fanfare from Universidad Catolica (yes really!!). Rangers fans were promised a slick South American striker, what they got was a short, chubby, pasty looking guy that could have came from Partick. Having spent most of his 5 years at Ibrox in the treatment room the only talent he showed was the ability to make a wall with his ample arse that could be done by the normal 5 men.
Robert Prytz : The ugliest Swede ever seen by man, that is all that can be said for the 80's midfield man. The frizzy blonde hair and massive nose not your typical swede.
Terry Hurlock : Signed by Souness, Hurlock was undoubtedly one the most psychotic players Britain has ever seen. Seriously Joey Barton has nothing on this nut job, need proof watch his assault on Toomy Coyne in the St Paady's Day massacre in 91. Not only that he was one ugly bastard, scraggy hair and a face that resembled a scrotum.
Davie Dodds : You can almost hear the villagers scream by the mere mention of his name. The first ever case when facial hair made someone's ugliness more prominent rather than hide it. If it wasn't bad enough having to watch this guy play, he then moved to backroom staff and we had to endure close ups of his monstrous mug. Even just picturing his face makes want to grab a pitchfork and a flaming torch.
Bob Malcolm : With a head like Kryten from Red Dwarf and the swift feet of the incredible hulk with an elastic band round his knob. Bob Malcolm was a complete player....complete shite. From his debut as an 18 year old who already looked 35, against Celtic and proceeded to fall on his arse when Henrik ran at him, this guy gave us years of golden moments. My favourite being in the 2004 New year game at parkhead where young Bob attempted a cross field pass and almost conceded a corner. The physics of that pass as well as his appearance were mind boggling. Hail Hail

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